City of Bainbridge Comprehensive Plan: 

Bainbridge Tomorrow

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a long-term strategic document used by cities and municipalities to guide their future growth and development. It outlines the community's vision, goals, and objectives, covering various aspects such as land use, housing, transportation, economic development, public services, and environmental protection. The plan serves as a framework for decision-making, providing a coordinated approach to managing resources, infrastructure, and development to ensure sustainable and balanced growth.

Cities update their comprehensive plans to adapt to changing conditions, address new challenges, and reflect the evolving needs and priorities of the community. Regular updates ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective in guiding development and policy decisions. Updating the plan also allows for public input and engagement, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among residents, businesses, and local government. This process helps ensure that the city's growth is managed in a way that promotes economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and a high quality of life for all residents.

Why Bainbridge Tomorrow?

Given southwest Georgia's demographic shifts, economic changes, and environmental considerations, Bainbridge's new comprehensive plan serves as a roadmap to guide land use, transportation, housing, infrastructure, and community services. This update ensures alignment with evolving needs and helps Bainbridge adapt to changing dynamics, including emerging challenges related to housing, economic development, environmental sustainability, and social equity.

Bainbridge Tomorrow preserves Bainbridge’s unique historical, cultural, and environmental characteristics by setting guidelines for development that respect and enhance the city’s identity, protect historic sites, promote local heritage, and maintain the unique aesthetic qualities of different neighborhoods. Developing this comprehensive plan involves significant input from residents, business owners, and other stakeholders to build a shared vision for Bainbridge’s future.

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Explore the Study

In collaboration with residents and local stakeholders, the City of Bainbridge has begun to develop Bainbridge Tomorrow, its next comprehensive plan. This one-and-a-half-year process seeks to be highly transparent, featuring extensive research, analysis, and public engagement.

The resulting plan will build on the city’s last two comprehensive plan updates, which were completed in 2020 and 2015. Adoption of this plan will guide the city’s growth over the next five to ten years and frame local priorities on economic development, the environment, the economy, and other issues affecting quality of life.

The plan is organized as follows:

Principles describes the values that underlie local goalsetting.

Bainbridge Today describes existing conditions.

Approach has links to Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) identified elements.

Resources is a collection of data and trends.

Implementing the Plan describes how recommendations can be put into action across the city.

Upon completion of the study in 2025, an Executive Summary of the plan will available online or can be mailed by request. 

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